Gary Rinsem

Boys called her "Floozy"

I didn't know the meaning of Floozy Begun in 1967 Written in 1974

There was a terrible dress code at school in the 60s. Girls couldn't wear pants to school. Boys not only had to wear a belt, it couldn't clash with the rest of their clothes. A white belt with dark clothes was a real problem for the jerks in charge. I got sent home once for wearing a shirt without buttons. Another time for wearing sneakers. My pullover shirt was somehow a threat to teaching. It also had a brightly colored paisley print pattern they didn't like and the draw strings were a danger to my life. It must have come from the Mod collection at JC Penny. They really didn't like that shirt. I wore it several times just to bug the teacher. She was awful, I hated her. Worst of all was teachers who constantly pushed their religion on kids. My teacher had a problem with the girl who sat next to me because her parents were from India, and not Christian. The teacher singled her out and called her names. It made the little girl cry. That woman should never have been allowed near kids, but in the 60s that's how it was at that school. The school had too many students. Classes were even held in rented houses across the street from the school. My fourth grade class was in a portable building on the south side on a narrow patch of ground, hardly big enough for the buildings. All they did to get into and out of the buildings, was a few steps and a plywood platform in front of the doors. There was no railing on the small platform so kids kept falling off when shoving to get in and out of class. A girl they called Floozy stopped me before going back to class. A boy from the platform landed face first in the dirt next to us, and started crying. With a smile that I still see in my mind, Floozy motioned for me to follow, then ran behind the building. That's misleading because behind the building was next to Jackrabbit Road with a row of houses across the street. It was in plain view of anyone in the area. Giggling like crazy, Floozy lifted her skirt to her armpits and turned 360 degrees, giving me a view of all she had to offer. It made me want to see every girl's underwear. Routinely for several months, Floozy would gather boys in a circle so nobody else could see her lift her skirt. One day she made me wait for her outside the girls bathroom. In an isolated spot she lifted her skirt. Her panties came off in the bathroom. Floozy stopped the shows for other boys after that day, making me sometimes think of her as my first girlfriend. One day a teacher saw me lift Floozy's skirt, to see if she was wearing panties. I was sent to the principal's office with a note. He read the note and told me to bend over as he pulled a paddle out of a drawer. I refused and he insisted. I walked out the door and straight home. My mother talked to the principal and I went back to school the next day with no mention of it again. The dress code ended in 7th grade. Clothes only had to be safe and cover most of your body. Girls stopped wearing skirts. I like girls in pants. At lunch the other day a girl I've known forever was wearing a skirt. I couldn't remember ever talking to her before, but she started a conversation about school and how many years we've been going to school together. She was testing to see if I remembered she was Floozy. I didn't remember and she knew it. We went for a walk and she stopped in a spot where nobody could see. She raised her long skirt to her armpits and turned 360 degrees, with that sneaky smile on her face and giggling just like I remember from Floozy. I died laughing. She wasn't wearing panties. That afternoon in her bedroom, Floozy told me she has been listening to girls talk about me since the start of eight grade. This was the day she wanted to give the class slut a try. I made her stand still while I lifted her skirt several times. It was the fantasy I've always had about Floozy. I hope she's not a one time girl. This was fun, I'd like to see her once in a while.

(Note from the early eighties. I lost touch with Floozy when I fell in love with Tami. I stopped even talking to all the girls in my class because Tami was jealous of any girl I talked to. I was always worried another girl would get jealous and tell Tami about my reputation as the class slut. They all seemed to understand so it was OK. We still talked on the phone for a while, and sometimes a girl knocked on my bedroom window in the middle of the night, but I never touched one of them after the moment I met Tami.)

(2020 NOTE: The note above gives me chills, that I thought they all accepted Tami and I. The stalker spent two decades proving she didn't accept it. In the late eighties and in the nineties, numerous girls told me how hard it hit them when I fell in love with Tamara Jo. I think all those who contacted me back then, did so because it was an open ended, unresolved relationship for them. I didn't realize for years that they had an emotional attachment to me. I just enjoyed hearing from them and reminiscing about school days.)