Gary Rinsem

Noble Library

"The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library."
Albert Einstein

Thank you ASU and Noble Library

I took a course called Power Technology my first year of high school. Mr. Bruner was an excellent teacher who took an interest in me because I showed an exceptional understanding of the material. I easily understood electro mechanical systems and deduced details beyond the scope of the class. I was surprised and thrilled to find something that came naturally to me. Mr. Bruner repeatedly told me to study more on my own. His advice sank in.

The text book included a small study of electrical generating stations. It was just enough to tell me this was a challenging and very complex topic. I was beyond intrigued, I had to know much more. I kept the text book and read that chapter many times. With no transportation it took a year of wondering how I'd ever learn.

The first Saturday with my own car, I found myself rushing across the ASU campus to Noble Library, where all the secrets of the universe are stored. I soon discovered a large section devoted to power plants. There were many books on each aspect. Power plant theory, design, operation, maintenance, history and more were all easily found in excruciating detail.

My first study was a purely logical choice, I thought. I started at the start with a complete history of Pearl Street Station, Thomas Edison's first power plant. The plant lit up Wall Street in New York City. The book was amazing with incredible details about the plant's design and every photo known to exist.

For nine months I spent every Saturday buried in those books. I absorbed every spec of knowledge I could and it was easily comprehended. There was even a book on the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, being built west of Phx. I studied actual electrical and mechanical schematics of this and several other plants, from giant fold out prints in books dedicated to each power plant.

I encountered a problem in September 1975. I fell deeply in love. Noble library was no more for three years. I didn't miss it one bit. My first love was and still is, far more important to me. I was destroyed by the loss of her and returned to my lesser love, for one small section of the giant Noble Library.

I had no chance of going to college so studying on my own was the only option, to deserve the chance at a career. Power Technology class showed me my best chance in life was here. Four more years passed. Nothing I did, and I did everything, got me the opportunity I needed to start a career. I'd worked with a few ex sailors and learned that the Navy held the potential to give me a start. Finding that a friend had enlisted was the impetus I needed. I enlisted primarily for lines to put on a resume. I needed BT-A school. It's something stupid that employers didn't know was stupid. It was one of several Navy schools that got respect in the industry.

Four years later, when my enlistment was done, I was immediately hired for a power plant operator's position. Something Noble library and natural ability prepared me for, but only the Navy got me the break. With a job as an entry level operator, Noble became my friend once again as my studies became centered only on the operation of generating stations. When I was offered a chance to temporarily fill in as operator at a hydro plant, I rushed back to Noble for deep study.

Thank you ASU and Noble Library.