Gary Rinsem

November 1982

2020 Note: 38 years later I can see my 24 year old mind at work. The organization of this was planned for effect. The point isn't even hinted until the very end, but everything in the text is there to give meaning to the point. I find it pleasant reading. You'll no doubt find it boring. Sorry, give it a read anyway, it's short.

  • Suicide Is Painless

I was only thirteen years old when Mash began. I don't know why a kid that age would like a show like that. I liked a few TV shows before MASH, but didn't do anything to even recall when they were on. I didn't care about television. I watched whatever was on when I had time and desire to watch.

It started in 1972 and for me it ended when I went into boot camp. For ten years I have faithfully watched Mash, at least the new episodes. I don't actually have access to television in the Navy. So far, I don't miss it. The show got old years ago. Half of the day that I got out of boot camp was spent at the YMCA in downtown San Diego. I got much needed relaxation in the free movie room that day. One of the movies they played was the Mash movie. I didn't even know it existed. I was shocked to hear the theme song with such depressing lyrics. There are no lyrics in the TV show. I enjoyed the movie and saw it several more times before I got out of Fireman Apprenticeship Training. That was only three weeks ago and seems like years. So much has happened in the last week. I should be writing about our incredible new love, but I've done that.

I met Vicki that day, thirty minutes after watching Mash. I was in a happy place and it must have shown because I got the attention of an incredible woman who worked as a dancer in a topless bar. I still find it hard to believe anyone could impress a woman with so many men drooling over her every day at work.

I hung out in the YMCA movie room for hours each day for two weeks, while Vicki was at work. I saw Mash many times. Tim from my boot camp company showed up one day, we were both in the same class in FA school and now we're both on the same ship. I wish I could be friends with him, but he's just too unpleasant. I told Tim about my love of Mash and my surprise about the lyrics in the song. It was driving me nuts trying to remember the words. Even after seeing it several times I could only recall a few sentences. Tim never saw the movie and we were the only two in there, so that's what we chose. We got paper and pens at the desk and played the song several times until we had the lyrics on paper.

I've read the lyrics many times since. If I understand the true meaning, it's a really depressing song. Somehow the song goes along with the scene where they're trying to convince a nurse to have sex with a desperate guy. He's not really killing himself. The fact that it's all a scam makes the lyrics meaningless to the meaning of the song. I like it in that context. They're doing anything they can to get a nurse to give up the goods. It's cute. It's quaint. It's a stereotypical 1950's Hollywood concept, in a fantastic 1972 movie.

Suicide Is Painless

Through early morning fog I see Visions of the things to be The pains that are withheld for me I realize and I can see That suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it if I please That game of life is hard to play I'm gonna lose it anyway The losing card I'll someday lay So this is all I have to say Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it if I please The sword of time will pierce our skin It doesn't hurt when it begins But as it works its way on in The pain grows stronger, watch it grin Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it if I please A brave man once requested me To answer questions that are key "Is it to be or not to be?" And I replied, "Oh, why ask me?" Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it if I... Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it if I please Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And you can do the same thing if you please