Gary Rinsem


Labeled The Third Bunny, Beth will certainly spend her life happily hopping from one encounter to another, loving everyone she meets.

Beth approached while BB and I were sitting at the fountain in Long Beach Mall. First thing... she blurted out a fact that we're trying to keep secret. Beth said "You love each other. I can tell." She said it with such a wonderfully happy little smile that we weren't concerned about her motives. Without hesitation, Beth squeezed in between Bev and Bren on the bench, then introduced herself. We knew... we had a friend.

Beth was too much and too little in our life. Too much Beth for too little time. In minutes we knew she's special in a short bus way. Ever talkative, Beth never has a thought left unspoken. There is never a doubt what's going on in her mind and every bit of it is delightful. We spent the day and the night with her, dropping at her barracks in the morning. For a while she went everywhere and did everything with us. Then she was gone. No warning, no goodbye.

Goodbye Beth,

We hope your life is as wonderful as you deserve.