Gary Rinsem

Pride In My Navy Work

There were many more, but below are 33 ships I remember repairing. Some of them many times. Most of the repairs were just dirty labor. The rest of the repairs are the source of pride, requiring knowledge and ingenuity.

The other item... I'm equally proud of. I made Second Class Petty Officer in record time. On the second class advancement cycle I placed third out of at least ten thousand in the running. The Captain put the radio message on the crew's bulletin board. Nobody noticed before, when I placed high on the Third Class Petty Officer advancement.

(Late 1990s NOTE: I wrote this list from memory while BB were still here, between 1990 and 1992. I don't know why trivia like that has meaning to me. Sorta bugs me when self-analysis fails. The only possible reason for it to be important is that BB read and were surprised by the list. We knew little of each other's work in the Navy. Theirs was incredibly boring office work. Not just same thing each day, but same thing each minute of each day. For them, my work was equally boring. I lectured on thermodynamics when they asked what I did in the hole underway. They never asked again.)

USS Prairie AD-15 USS Midway CV-41 USS New Jersey BB-62 USS Missouri BB-63 USS Long Beach CGN-9 USS Sterrett CG-31 USS Mobile LKA-115 USS Peleliu LHA-5 USS Ogden LPD-5 USS Juneau LPD-10 USS Paul F. Foster DD-964 USS Cocharane DDG-21 USS Waddell DDG-24 USS Sample FF-1048 USS Knox FF-1052 USS Roark FF-1053 USS Gray FF-1054 USS Lang FF-1060 USS Stein FF-1065 USS Kirk FF-1087 USS Wadsworth FFG-9 USS Duncan FFG-10 USS Reid FFG-30 USS Jarrett FFG-33 USS Crommelin FFG-37 USS Curts FFG-38 USS Thach FFG-43 USS Gary FFG-51 USS Ford FFG-54 USS Mars AFS-1 USNS Mispillion T-AO-105 USS Wabash AOR-5 USS Roanoke AOR-7