Gary Rinsem

Chicken In The Park 2022
May 31st

Some significant and some just fun, memories shared, many laughable moments. Absurdity in the lowercase defines this day as three loons join together with squeaky rubber chickens... even further beyond reason... chicken hats and wind up chicks... Unlike any other year, CITP 2022 was mostly fun, but a little bit more. Thanky You Loree-Lou and Suzy-Q

Photosphere Images - Drag & Zoom & Go Full Screen. Click the buttons on the picture, then move your phone.

Regular pictures, captured from the 360 images.
The Official
Of Chicken In The Park

Chicken In The Park is best shared, for effective "Self" maintenance. Read this if you like, but I'm only writing it for me.

I had my first epiphany in Aug 1966. Chicken In The Park evolved from this event. At once I understood all that is needed to make conscious use of the concept of intelligence. From my observation it appears 80% of people never take this step. In the next five years I went from 7 to 12 years old. I also went from abject fear and confusion to an intellectually based mentality. I'd been haunted by the recurrent memory of the epiphany above. I had no way to return to that spot until I got a new bicycle. It was a long trip for a 12 year old kid, but I rushed to the street corner where Steve and Bob had shown me the way. I've tried to visit that spot at least once a year for all the years since. That 1971 pilgrimage is the origin of Chicken In The Park.

In 2011 there were four boys standing on my spot. They appear to be several years older than I was in 1966. Moments before, those boys were staring at the Google street view vehicle, apparently deciding if it was what it appeared to be. Ahhh yes! They knew they were getting their picture taken for a Google Street View.

A short time passed when an event at school reaffirmed the intelligence epiphany, with my 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Cobb as the example of failing intelligence. That memory was also the beginning of a deep sence of empathy in me. A boy in my class was stripped naked with his clothes stuck in a tree on the playground. I'd never felt empathy prior and it's effect was entrenched by numerous events in the next few years. I've always visited the naked tree as part of CITP.

People pass through our lives with few staying long term. Spouses die, children and close friends move or change or wander off. Lives diverge. Change is the nature of life. Everyone leaves a mark. Wise choices ensure those marks are positive, but all the rest of society is beyond our influence.