Gary Rinsem

My Mom's Pad
I always knew her name was Laverna, but she only used Verna...

4-11-2022 This is exciting. New junk turns up on the internet all the time. Don't find what you want today, check again in a few months.

Early this morning I stumbled upon some kool stuff about my father. It's enough that I wrote a journal about it. Ahhhhh... not done.... one bit I found told me my mother's maiden name was Hillman! I have always remembered that her maiden name was a brand of car, but could not recall what it was... The internet has never connected my mother to anything without her maiden name. I have a vague memory of my mother having a brother who was in the Navy. He came to visit when I was VERY little and made fudge. Several people sat on the front porch eating the fudge. The taste has always reminded me of this short memory. That's about all I ever knew about my mother's family, except that her mother died in Florida. By then I'd given up asking questions about my family history. I just learned the source of my middle name! My mother's father was Kenneth. What a surprise. Her mother was Fanny. I think I heard that when I was little. Her mother's name sounds familiar to me. As a child I asked many times about my name, first and middle, but never got any answers... Now at least I know the source of my middle name. My entire life is analyzing reality and missing details drive me nuts. Eeet's goot to finally knows bits of facts! Mom in the 1940 Census Mom grew up in a town called Albert Lee. Growing up I often heard mention of the town... And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Albert Lee... I love the smell of unicorn farts in the morning! Yes, I know I just mixed two fantasy critters, dragons and unicorns... but lifelong mysteries are unfolding here so gimme a break! My mother's childhood home is long gone, replaced by a bar. The architecture appears to be mid to late 1960s... Mom's sister Bell showed up here. I met Bell and their kids more than once. Kathy Neighbor, one of Bell's kids, constantly pops up on Facebook's list of "people you may know." Her profile pic is purple lilacs... Awww crap, Dad had an uncle named Kenneth For ten minutes I thought the source of my middle name was found. Suddenly I aint so sure... Dad also had a big sister named Betty Jean Rinsem, that I never heard about. Sounds like the source of my big sister's middle name... I have always known more about my friend's families than I know about my own... I heard my friend's birth stories, but never mine... For now I've run out of links. I'll look again in a few months...