Gary Rinsem

Too Cute For Words
by Gary Rinsem
1976 and 2021
And Every Moment Between

  • Listen To The Music

I want to find the story I wrote about this in 1976. When I find it I'll paste it here. For now this message to Tami will have to do. For decades I've imagined the day when I would show it to you in person, to see your face and know if you recognized it. It's the most precious object in the world.

January 6, 2021

By far this has been my most cherished possession for my entire life. Today it was finally time to create a journal page for it. I've been resisting this for so long I can't believe I finally did it. It took several hours today creating those two images, so they'd match when you flip them. I only hope your computer handles it properly. It took numerous tries before I figured a way to get it the way I wanted. It's four decades that I've expected to one day see your face as I showed it to you. This is obviously my only remaining chance for you to have it. It's placed here out of desperation for at least one part of my dream to come true, for you to see it whether I see your response or not. I hope these images remind you of me. Know that I have Loved you exactly as I promised. "ALWAYS." (I'll never get over the need to tell you that... until you finally know)

Click To "PEEK"

Click the images for a large version.

Love... ALWAYS,